Jersey Giant-ALL MALE HYBRIDS - The best known of the male-hybrid varieties; Jersey Giant is still a top yielding choice. The spears are as tender as Jersey Knight, despite their much larger size.
Jersey Knight-ALL MALE HYBRID - This male hybrid has many of the same fine characteristics as the earlier variety Jersey Giant; high productivity, fusarium tolerance and rust resistance. It does well where soils are heavier and contain more clay. It offers growers a wide range of adaptability. In commercial fields it has proven to be one of the highest yielders.
Guelph Millennium-ALL MALE HYBRID - All male Canadian variety developed by University of Guelph. Produces high quality tender, straight and uniform size spears with excellent yields. Millenium does well on a wide range of soil types including heavier soils. Winter hardy and seems to perform well in hot temperatures.
5 crowns/$8.75